Elliott’s Infinite Wisdom

I've been told I’m a bit of a smart-ass...just a little bit. I’ve also been told I’m too smart for my own good and that I’m not as smart as I think I am, which obviously, I don’t agree with. A while ago, a friend told me I should be careful or I was liable to outsmart myself. Which got me thinking about exactly how I could go about doing something like that. Well, I'm still not entirely sure, but I’m going to try…

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Peeing Story

Around the time that Dirk used to dance in front of his window, after reaching Pi, some other friends of mine; let’s say: Corey, Jeff & Dylan all lived together.
Jeff and I were good buddies, belonging to the same "Social Club," Dylan and I knew each other through a mutual “student group” and Corey was a friend by proxy. The three of them lived in a quad, with Corey and Jeff sharing a room. So one night, I think a Wednesday or Thursday, we’d all been hanging out drinking…excessively and it came time to hit the hay. I went home and crashed, Jeff and Dylan did the same; Corey was nowhere to be found.
Finally (as Jeff tells it) Corey stumbles in, knocking things over the whole way from the front door through the common roon to their room. Corey proceeds to disrobe, stumble around, nearly fall over, right himself and then walk over to Jeff’s closet...where he begins to pee. Jeff, obviously too stunned to speak at the sight of his roommate treating his closet like a bathroom, waits for Corey to finish to see what he’ll do next. When he’s done, nearly a minute later mind you, Corey walks over to his bed and is about to get in when Jeff, silent until now asks, “what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Corey responds, “what? What’s the problem?” Completely nonplused, Jeff says, “are you kidding? You just took a piss in my fucking closet, go clean it up!” Totally unfazed, Corey walks over to the closet and looks inside. After staring for a moment he says, “No, that’s not mine. That’s, that’s like, forty-five seconds worth of piss and, and I only pissed for maybe twenty-five seconds. (Shaking his head) That’s not mine.” He then proceeds to get into bed.
Roommates, gotta love 'em!


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